Vocational Assessments

Transferable Skills Analysis

Vocational and skills profile completed by paper review or interview with a critical analysis to determine reasonable alternate occupations.

Job Match Transferable Skills Analysis

Includes all aspects of a transferrable skills analysis combined with a functional assessment with input from the assessor on the functional reasonability of the alternate occupations identified.

Vocational Evaluation

Assesses aptitudes, academic achievement and vocational interests taking into consideration an individual’s limitations & restrictions, transferrable skills, education and work history.

Psycho-vocational Evaluation

Psychologist led assessment that includes all aspects of a vocational evaluation taking into consideration an individual’s personality characteristics, learning competencies, psychological adjustment and psychosocial skills.

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Psycho-educational Evaluation

Assesses for the presence of a learning disability and the potential impact that it has on an individual in both a training and work environment, identifying strategies and accommodations to assist the individual.

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Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Vocational Rehab Case Management

Case Management services focus on coordinating medical, rehabilitation, and vocational activities and identifying and addressing barriers in preparation for a future return-to-work. It involves implementing a vocational rehab plan with referral source approval. Referrals can be initiated with or without an initial assessment.

File Review & Vocational Rehab Plan Development

One off comprehensive file review, critical analysis & development of a vocational rehab plan with detailed recommendations and estimated costs for referral source to implement independently.

RTW Readiness Reactivation Program

The RTW Readiness Reactivation Program is a practical, evidence-based approach that increases an individual’s engagement in RTW focused activities with the goal of achieving RTW readiness. This vocationally based program includes customized strategies to develop employment readiness skills with progressive re-engagement in work related activities to prepare for a RTW.

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Return to Work Services

Development of a RTW plan through collaboration with the client and all relevant stakeholders, identifying and addressing barriers that have the potential to impact the success of a RTW.

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Labour Market Services

Labour Market Survey & Research

Assesses occupational outlook, current job availability, and local trends for specific occupational options identified through employer contacts, advertised job postings, and provincially or nationally published labour market data.

Educational Pathway Research

Identifies educational opportunities with employment outlook for occupations identified taking into consideration an individual or referral source’s specific preferences including virtual or in-person learning opportunities, location, cost, and duration.

Residual Earnings Capacity Review

Assesses an individual’s potential residual earnings capacity for specific occupations identified.

Job Preparation Services

Job Search Skills Preparation Program

Customized program to assist an individual to become independent with job searching skills including but not limited to understanding how their transferrable skills relate to career targets, resume & cover letter development, interviewing skills, sourcing employers, networking, social media presence, and job search strategies.

Job Placement Services

Assist individuals with active job search, assistance, and monitoring with the goal of securing paid work.

Volunteer Work Placement

Assistance to help an individual find a structured and scheduled volunteer work opportunity at a suitable organization with the goal of building work readiness.

Career Counselling Services

Involves examining an individuals skills and accomplishments to help plan their career transition when they are unable to return to their previous job or there is no job to return.

Job Coaching

Goal is to assist individuals to work to their fullest potential, performing their job in the most effective manner. Includes customized supports and tools unique to the individual and the workpalce including progressive integration strategies.

Functional Assessments

Job Demands Analysis

Assesses the physical, cognitive, and / or psychological demands associated with a specific job.

Functional Screening Assessments

Physical, cognitive, and /or psychologial functional screening assessment used to obtain baseline data about an individual’s function relative to their essential job demands.

Functional Capacity Evaluation Assessments

Physical, cognitive, and / or psychological comprehensive assessments embedded with evidence-based reliability and validity outcome measures that are used to objectively assess an individual’s functional ‘capacity’ for either a specific job identified or a general measure of function.

Ergonomic Assessments

Assesses an individual worker’s work area to ensure job fit between worker and work environment.

Disability Management

Disability Case Management

Assist in proactive management of work absence claims offering a continuum of services ranging from short duration coverage to assisting employers with the development and delivery of robust disability management services.

Early Intervention Services

Disability case management services with a focus on early intervention to reduce disability duration and claims drift with the concurrent goal of achieving safe, timely and sustainable return to work through expertise, guidance, and cost effective solutions.

Claims Adjudication Services

Utilization of an evidence-based claims adjudication framework reviewing entitlement and eligibility of claims as well as ongoing case management services.

Clinical Assessments & Treatment Services

Addiction Medicine

Assessment services by either an Addiction Psychiatrist or Addiction Medicine Physician in the context of work readiness.

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Clinical Psychologists

Assessment and treatment services delivered by a Clinical Psychologist to address mental health barriers and expedite return to work readiness.

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Occupational Therapists

Assessment and treatment services delivered by an Occupational Therapist to enable individuals to restore vocational and avocational activities.

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Mental Health Reactivation Program

Customized mental health reactivation services led by an Occupational Therapist.

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Assessment and treatment services delivered by a Psychotherapist providing psychological and emotional support for individuals.

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Assessment and treatment services delivered by a Physiotherapist to restore physical mobility and function with a goal of improving return to work readiness.

Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS) Treatment

Customized treatment for adults with balance or gait deficits due to mild to moderate symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Stroke.

Physical Work Hardening / Reactivation Program

Customized physical health reactivation services overseen by a Physiotherapist.


Assessment and treatment services delivered by a Kinesiologist to restore physical function and improve work readiness.


Assessment and treatment services delivered by a Chiropractor to restore function and mobility of peripheral and spinal joints.

Skill Acquisition, Learning & Development Training

Integrated Vocational Rehab Solutions works with a trusted alliance to deliver career certification, micro-credentialling and employability soft skills educational training allowing our clients to compete with the rapidly changing needs to upskill within an existing workplace or reskilling to return to the workforce. Foundational areas include but are not limited to computer training, business essentials, cybersecurity, emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, and motivational interviewing.

Independent Medical Assessments (all disciplines)

Integrated Vocational Rehab Solutions has access to a wide variety of fully licensed medical experts offering a holistic approach to work absence assessments.

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